Third Bloom has had an interesting life. He caught the music bug at a young age, and was turned onto the likes of Gil Scott Heron, Donald Byrd and acid jazz artists by friends in the early-90s. He then got immersed in D&B, and a lost weekend in Amsterdam ended up lasting over a decade as he dumped his return ticket and submerged himself in the fast invading club culture of the time.

After a decade in the ‘Dam, he returned to Blighty and settled in Brighton. He’d always wanted to move from punter to creator, and as he delved into music production the music started pouring out of him.
His debut album ‘Echoes’ signals the third stage of his life’s journey, where instead of simply absorbing music, he now sculpts it. Hence his artist name — Third Bloom.
The album boasts a wealth of trip-hop, ambient, dubstep and junglist influences, refracted through a prism of classical-influenced electronica. His cinematic experiments have borne rich fruit. For someone comparatively new to the music production game, he has crafted an album that belies his practical experience which involves traces of years of music growth blossoming into new shapes, with memories of assorted electronic music styles sprouting into new formations.
‘Echoes’ is out now on Out Yer Box, the sister label of Jack Said What.
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