New labels are conceived for any numbers of reasons, some distinct and others less so. From showcasing a new sound or A&R approach to the artist taking control of their own music, every one has its own end. Coming into being in order to expose just some of the new artist material arriving into their inbox, Super8 & Tab’s Scorchin’ Records was no different. Apparently the quality and quantity received proved so high that the label last year opened its sister imprint, Scorchin’ Progressive.

In the nexus between the two lies Super8 & Tab and through the medium of ‘Scorchin’ Sessions Vol.1’, the two labels collectively offer a future-spective of their new release season. From the upcoming to their late spring/early summer biggies, it’s all here.
On the eve of its release Miika & Janne commented: “This must be the most unique mix compilation from us yet. Not only because it’s the first of its kind on Scorchin', but also in terms of how much we’ve worked together with our artists. All 17 tracks have been exclusively made for the compilation and we’re super proud of our artists and how much effort & heart they put into them. Scorchin' Sessions Vol.1 is a great showcase for what Scorchin' Records have to offer in 2021.”
It’s out now.
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