With the release of ‘Not Ready’ comes double cause for AVA celebration. It sees Louis ‘LTN’ Tan give return to his Pres. Ghostbeat moniker after May’s ‘Through The Darkness’, and it’s also the embarkation point for the label’s new imprint. The track opens the account for the label’s new Deep division – a sub-label whose name and remit chimes for cooler and altogether more 2020 musical requirements.
Watching over ‘Not Ready’s vocal quarter is relative newcomer BLÜ EYES. Heart worn on sleeve and with plenty of home truths sewn into its lyrical lines, quiet-storm-like her words sweep the track end to end.
Louis commits something of a first to the track’s production, keeping the emphasis off the drums and percussion and foregrounding its live sounding instrumentations. Long slowed-up, beat-less drops and FX create the atmosphere, whilst its occasional bassy booms hang distinctly in the production’s middle distance.
From its AVADEEP001 launch point, the label will move to bring new studio work from the likes of Andre Sobota, Damien Wasse, Katrin Souza, Taglo, Vortex 49 and Mainterm.
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