To ring in 2015, Paul van Dyk will be the first to utilise Mixify’s new two-way live streaming Clubcast technology to perform personal sets to be streamed live into venues throughout Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe, South America and North America, all in a single 24-hour period.

Paul has teamed up with Mixify, the interactive live-streaming platform, to deliver the first ever globe-circling New Year’s Eve party. On 31 December, through Mixify’s Clubcast, Paul will broadcast live to thousands of fans gathered in venues, spread across the world.

Direct from Mixify’s Los Angeles studio, PvD will perform consecutive exclusive sets to satisfy peak club hours around the globe, utilizing Mixify’s Clubcast system to stream live through a two-way, interactive HD feed, creating possibly the first ever NYE experience of its kind. Exact venue details will be revealed soon.
Paul van Dyk: “The way we produce music, the way we release music and now the way every single one of us experiences live music has, to a huge degree, changed. Reflecting that change will start this New Year’s Eve with my first ever Clubcast. I can now reach audiences in various parts of the world in a very special way. On New Year’s Eve this means uniting people, a global connection, through music & clubbing on six continents for the first time. Wherever you find yourself in the world this NYE, I hope you can join us for this unique experience.”
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