STREETrave - a night that hatched from bringing likeminded people together for a good time - is still doing just that. This month, Glasgow’s Arches again played host to the legendary STREETrave’s 24th birthday celebrations – a hugely successful achievement – which highlights the club night’s esteemed status in the after-hours world.

DJ Iain Boney Clark said: “Streetrave is obviously 24 and is a free night to say thank you to all the clubbers who have religiously followed the brand over the years. I see the birthday party as a way not only to say thanks, but also as the warm up for our 25th birthday celebrations next year, where there will be more memorable nights throughout the year and plenty of surprises.”
STREETrave has captivated generation after generation. Born in September 1989, the bigger picture wasn’t the main priority, then it was ‘the more the merrier’ approach. 24 years on the same nostalgic STREETrave family still continue to flood through the doors to support the same resident DJs that played all those years ago in the Ayr Pavilion and Prestwick Airport.
He added: “The biggest night was the all-nighter at Prestwick Airport when we took over the full terminal and filled it to the brim with revellers to bring in the New Year – something that no other club in Britain can ever boast.”

In 1995 STREETrave was re-invented as Colours, only to re-appear each year since on a one night only party basis as the famous STREETrave birthday parties.
It’s fair to say that STREETrave would not have been the success it has been - never mind managing to span 24 years - without resident old skool DJ duo Iain Boney Clark and Jon Mancini behind the wheels of steel (or CDJs/laptops). However, for sentimental reasons, we’ll keep the Technics at the forefront of our minds.

On Saturday 12th October the dynamic Glasgow duo, partnered with surrogate resident, Hooligan X, delivered a performance together for the first time in years, chocked full of more energy than a 3-year old on four cans of Red Bull. The STREETrave massive saw Iain Boney Clark take to the podium first, aptly marked above his head with the infamous SR signs. Here the old skool traditionalist fired out classics from the last three decades and equally as important as the music was Hooligan’s MC chants to which the STREETrave pact replied in unison with the famous ‘Oi, Oi!’
Not many clubs could get away with playing Lionel Richie’s 1983 hit ‘All Night Long’, however this was a walk in the park for Jon Mancini and was the track he chose to bring the night to a close. Beforehand, Annie Lennox’s ‘Little Bird’ echoed around the front arch, taking the crowd down memory lane and giving them a fantastic opportunity to stretch their vocal chords.
So, 24 years on, the STREETrave family are here to stay and still have the same drive and passion, if not more, than they did back in the beginning.
Finally, Iain Boney Clark finished by saying: “I hope the STREETrave followers left with a smile on their faces and are looking forward to the big party next year.”
Here’s to the next 25 years!
© justaweemusicblog.com
Words: Antonia Holmes
Write a comment
Alan Gardiner (Wednesday, 16 October 2013 20:29)
Legendary place, dj's and fellow street ravers all class acts!! Oi oi
Peter Collins (Friday, 18 October 2013 09:11)
Great article. Streetrave does exactly what it says on the tin! :)