A fair amount is made in music’s realm of ‘the personal album’. In truth though all artist albums are inherently personal - the only distinction being to what degree. By his own acknowledgement, Dennis wrote his third longform predominantly for fans, but also - in part – for himself. Starting the year 2019 in what he described as “a very dark place”, he utilised ‘Find The Sunrise'’s process as a cathartic tool of articulation, and one with which to face a personal demon or two.

As he channelled his experiences into it, striking a reflective balance between the-then-and-the-now became pivotal to its composition.
Some artists rely solely on instruments to carry their message, whilst others mix the vocal with the vocal-free. Dennis though sees the power of voice and – even more critically – lyric as the surest way to express an album’s message. To that end pretty much every one of its 15 strong tracks features - in one form or another – a vocal aspect.
To achieve that dimension he marshalled an assembly of singers, songwriters and collaborators. Katty Heath, Eric Lumiere, Joston, Sarah Russell, Chloe Kay, EKE and Sean Ryan are just some of those that comprise its cast.
A heartfelt work about both artist and individual, ‘Find The Sunrise’ – Dennis Sheperd’s third studio album -is out now on Black Hole Recordings.
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