Following his debut artist album ‘United We Are’, Hardwell now welcomes clubbers to join him on a fully immersive 360 degree experience, with a look behind the scenes of his recent Miami Music Week escapades. Utilising 360 cameras and all-new technologies, he takes you on a behind the scenes tour of his latest Miami trip as he prepares for his main stage Ultra set in his hotel room, drives around the city top-down with familiar faces Dannic, Dyro & Kill The Buzz and shops for sneakers around Miami Beach.
The equipment rigged with a multitude of cameras and additions, offers up a full 360 degree view that the audience can easily watch via the latest version of the YouTube app. You can now become part of Hardwell’s beach-side party and join in with the Revealed team fun via this exclusive 360 experience. The full video will be out soon.
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